laravel interview questions and answers

laravel interview questions and answers


Laravel is a most popular, open source PHP framework designed to make the website more powerfull and easily that make the development process more efficient and enjoyable for developers. It was created by Taylor Otwell and released in 2011. Laravel provides range of tools to help developers build modern, secure, and scalable web applications. in this article we cover almost all immportant laravel interview questions and answers

Key Features of Laravel:

  1. MVC Architecture: Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which separates the application logic into three main components: models (data), views (user interface), and controllers (logic).
  2. Routing: Laravel offers a simple and expressive routing system, making it easy to define URLs and link them to specific functions in controllers.
  3. Task Scheduling: The framework has a built-in task scheduler that allows you to automate tasks, such as sending emails or clearing temporary files, at specific intervals.
  4. Migration System: Laravel’s migration system helps manage database schemas in a structured and version-controlled manner, allowing you to easily update and rollback changes.
  5. Security: Laravel has built-in features for preventing common security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It also provides a user authentication system out of the box.
  6. Artisan CLI: Laravel provides a command-line tool called Artisan that simplifies common tasks like database migrations, testing, and running background jobs.

Now here is we list out arround 100 of laravel interview questions and answers

1. What is Laravel?

Answer: Laravel is a PHP framework designed for web application development following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern. It provides a clean and elegant syntax with built-in tools for routing, sessions, caching, authentication, and more.

2. What is MVC in Laravel?

Answer: MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is a software architectural pattern that separates the application into three interconnected components:

  • Model: Represents the data and business logic.
  • View: The user interface.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between Model and View.

3. What are migrations in Laravel?

Answer: Migrations in Laravel are like version control for your database. They allow you to define and share the database structure, including tables, columns, and indexes, in a consistent way.

4. What is the purpose of Artisan in Laravel?

Answer: Artisan is a command-line interface included with Laravel. It provides various helpful commands for tasks such as database migrations, testing, running jobs, clearing cache, and more.

5. How can you define routes in Laravel?

Answer: Routes are defined in the routes/web.php file for web routes and routes/api.php for API routes. Example:

Route::get('/home', [HomeController::class, 'index']);

6. Explain the concept of Middleware in Laravel.

Answer: Middleware in Laravel filters HTTP requests entering the application. It is used for tasks such as authentication, logging, or modifying request and response objects.

7. What is Eloquent ORM in Laravel?

Answer: Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a built-in Laravel feature that provides an active record implementation for interacting with the database. It allows you to work with database tables as if they were objects.

8. What is the purpose of the artisan migrate command?

Answer: The artisan migrate command is used to run database migrations. It updates the database schema based on the migration files defined in the application.

9. What is Blade in Laravel?

Answer: Blade is the templating engine in Laravel. It provides a simple, clean syntax for defining views and layouts, and supports features like template inheritance, conditional rendering, and more.

10. How does Laravel handle database seeding?

Answer: Laravel allows you to populate your database with test data using database seeding. You can define seed classes, which contain the logic to insert records into the database. The php artisan db:seed command is used to run the seeds.

11. What are the different types of relationships in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel supports several relationships in Eloquent:

  • One-to-One
  • One-to-Many
  • Many-to-Many
  • Has-Many-Through
  • Polymorphic relationships

12. Explain the use of env file in Laravel.

Answer: The .env file is used for storing environment-specific configuration values in Laravel. It is commonly used to store sensitive information like database credentials and API keys. Values in the .env file are loaded using the env() helper function.

13. What are Facades in Laravel?

Answer: Facades provide a simple, static interface to the underlying classes in the service container. They serve as “shortcuts” to commonly used services like cache, routing, session, etc. Example: Cache::put('key', 'value');

14. What is dependency injection in Laravel?

Answer: Dependency injection is a design pattern where an object’s dependencies are provided rather than hard-coding them into the object. In Laravel, you can inject dependencies into controllers, methods, or constructors.

15. What is Laravel’s Service Container?

Answer: The service container is a powerful tool for dependency injection and managing class dependencies. It is used to bind services and classes and resolve them when needed.

16. What is the purpose of the php artisan serve command?

Answer: The php artisan serve command is used to start a local development server for your Laravel application, making it accessible in the browser.

17. What is CSRF protection in Laravel?

Answer: CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection is enabled by default in Laravel. It involves adding a token to every form submitted via POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE methods. The server verifies this token to ensure the request is legitimate.

18. Explain the concept of Route Model Binding.

Answer: Route model binding in Laravel allows you to inject model instances directly into your controller methods based on route parameters. For example:;

Route::get('/user/{user}', [UserController::class, 'show']);

19. What is the purpose of the Laravel Homestead?

Answer: Laravel Homestead is an official, pre-packaged Vagrant box that provides a development environment with all the necessary software installed (such as Nginx, PHP, MySQL, etc.) to run Laravel applications.

20. What is the artisan make:model command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:model command is used to generate an Eloquent model class in Laravel. Example:

php artisan make:model Product

21. What are Notifications in Laravel?

Answer: Notifications in Laravel provide a convenient way to send alerts to users via various channels like mail, SMS, database, etc.

22. What is Laravel Passport?

Answer: Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server implementation for API authentication. It provides a complete solution for API authentication using access tokens and scopes.

23. What is the purpose of Route::resource in Laravel?

Answer: Route::resource is used to define a set of routes for a controller that handles common actions for a RESTful resource (such as CRUD operations). It automatically maps HTTP verbs to controller methods.

24. What is a Job in Laravel?

Answer: Jobs in Laravel represent tasks that should be queued for asynchronous processing. Laravel provides a simple way to create, dispatch, and manage jobs.

25. What is the difference between session and cookie in Laravel?


  • Session: A server-side storage that holds data across requests. It is stored in files, databases, or other storage systems.
  • Cookie: A client-side storage that holds small pieces of data, typically for user preferences or authentication.

26. How does Laravel handle file uploads?

Answer: Laravel provides a simple API for handling file uploads. Files can be uploaded using the Request class, and they are stored using the store() method in storage directories.

27. What is Laravel Mix?

Answer: Laravel Mix is a wrapper around Webpack that simplifies asset compilation. It allows developers to compile CSS, JavaScript, and other assets and manage their dependencies easily.

28. How do you handle validation in Laravel?

Answer: Validation in Laravel is handled using the Validator class or form requests. You can define validation rules in the controller or through custom form request classes.

29. What is the config directory in Laravel?

Answer: The config directory contains all configuration files in a Laravel application. These files are used to configure various aspects of the application, such as database connections, mail settings, etc.

30. What is the difference between hasMany and belongsTo relationships in Laravel?


  • hasMany: Defines a one-to-many relationship from the “one” side to the “many” side.
  • belongsTo: Defines the inverse relationship from the “many” side to the “one” side.

31. What is the artisan make:controller command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:controller command is used to generate a new controller file in Laravel. Example:

php artisan make:controller PostController

32. How do you use the Auth class in Laravel?

Answer: The Auth class in Laravel is used for authentication. You can check if a user is logged in using Auth::check(), retrieve the current user with Auth::user(), and log out a user with Auth::logout().

33. What is a Laravel Route Group?

Answer: A route group allows you to group routes that share common attributes like middleware, namespaces, or prefixes. This can reduce redundancy in route definitions. Example:

Route::prefix('admin')->middleware('auth')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/dashboard', [AdminController::class, 'index']);

34. What is the difference between Route::get and Route::post in Laravel?

Answer: Route::get is used for handling HTTP GET requests, typically used for fetching data, while Route::post handles HTTP POST requests, usually for submitting data to the server.

35. What is the artisan make:migration command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:migration command is used to create a new migration file. Example:

php artisan make:migration create_posts_table

36. What are the different types of Laravel collections?

Answer: Laravel collections are objects that extend PHP’s native array functionalities. They provide methods like map(), filter(), reduce(), etc., to manipulate arrays. Collections can be created from arrays or query results.

37. How does Laravel handle SQL queries?

Answer: Laravel handles SQL queries using the Query Builder, Eloquent ORM, and raw SQL queries. The Query Builder provides a fluent interface for creating and executing database queries, while Eloquent provides an active record pattern for working with database tables as models.

38. What is a resource controller in Laravel?

Answer: A resource controller is a type of controller that is responsible for handling the basic CRUD operations automatically. You can generate it with the artisan make:controller --resource command.

39. How do you generate a view in Laravel?

Answer: Views in Laravel are created in the resources/views directory. You can return a view in a controller using the view() helper. Example:

return view('home');

40. What is the artisan make:middleware command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:middleware command is used to generate a new middleware class. Example:

php artisan make:middleware CheckAdmin

41. What is the difference between find() and findOrFail() in Laravel?


  • find(): Retrieves a model by its primary key or returns null if not found.
  • findOrFail(): Retrieves a model by its primary key and throws a ModelNotFoundException if not found.

42. How do you handle file storage in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel provides an abstraction layer over file storage via the Storage facade. You can use methods like put(), get(), delete(), and more to interact with files. The storage location can be configured in config/filesystems.php.

43. What is the php artisan route:list command used for?

Answer: The php artisan route:list command is used to display all registered routes in your application, including HTTP methods, URIs, and corresponding controllers.

44. What are API resources in Laravel?

Answer: API resources in Laravel provide a way to transform your models and collections into JSON responses for APIs. They can be created using the php artisan make:resource command.

45. What is the purpose of app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php?

Answer: The AppServiceProvider.php is a service provider file where you can register application services, bind classes to the service container, and configure any application-specific logic during the booting process.

46. What are queues in Laravel?

Answer: Queues in Laravel are used to delay the processing of tasks, such as sending emails or processing large uploads, to improve performance and responsiveness of your application.

47. What is Laravel’s service provider?

Answer: Service providers in Laravel are the central place to configure and bind services into the service container. All the application services are registered via service providers.

48. How does Laravel handle caching?

Answer: Laravel provides a unified API for working with different caching backends (like Redis, Memcached, or database caching). The Cache facade is used to store, retrieve, and manage cached data.

49. What is the purpose of the config/database.php file?

Answer: The config/database.php file contains configuration settings for database connections in Laravel. It defines database types, credentials, and other relevant options.

50. How does Laravel handle validation with custom rules?

Answer: Laravel allows you to create custom validation rules by defining a custom rule class that implements the Rule interface. You can then use it in your validation logic.

51. What is Laravel Telescope?

Answer: Laravel Telescope is a debugging assistant for Laravel applications. It provides detailed insights into requests, database queries, jobs, cache operations, and more.

52. How do you handle events and listeners in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel’s event system allows you to define events and listeners that handle specific actions when triggered. You can create events using php artisan make:event and listeners with php artisan make:listener.

53. What is the artisan make:seeder command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:seeder command is used to create a new database seeder class that can be used to populate the database with data. Example:

php artisan make:seeder PostSeeder

54. What is Laravel’s query builder?

Answer: The query builder in Laravel provides a fluent interface for constructing SQL queries. It supports all common database operations, including select, insert, update, delete, and more.

55. How does Laravel handle error handling?

Answer: Laravel uses the App\Exceptions\Handler.php class to handle exceptions. Laravel provides a default error page for common errors (404, 500) and allows you to customize error handling.

56. What is the purpose of the config/app.php file in Laravel?

Answer: The config/app.php file contains the core configuration settings for the Laravel application, such as application name, environment, timezone, locale, and more.

57. What are Laravel policies?

Answer: Policies in Laravel are a way to organize authorization logic. They are used to authorize user actions, such as creating, updating, or deleting models. You can define a policy using php artisan make:policy.

58. What is Laravel Echo?

Answer: Laravel Echo is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to work with WebSockets in Laravel. It allows real-time event broadcasting and listening, making it ideal for applications like chat systems or notifications.

59. What are the built-in authentication features in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel comes with built-in authentication features such as user registration, login, password reset, email verification, and more. These features can be scaffolded using the php artisan make:auth command (Laravel 6 and below).

60. How do you implement role-based access control in Laravel?

Answer: Role-based access control can be implemented in Laravel using gates, policies, or third-party packages like Spatie Laravel Permission to assign roles and permissions to users.

61. What are Laravel seeders used for?

Answer: Seeders are used to populate the database with sample or test data. You can define the seeding logic in seeder classes and run them using the php artisan db:seed command.

62. What is Laravel’s artisan make:command?

Answer: The artisan make:command is used to generate a custom Artisan command. This command can be executed from the command line to perform various tasks.

63. How does Laravel handle migrations for foreign keys?

Answer: Laravel migrations allow you to define foreign key constraints when creating or altering tables using the foreign() method. Example:


64. What is the purpose of the storage:link Artisan command?

Answer: The storage:link command creates a symbolic link from the public/storage directory to the storage/app/public directory. This is needed to publicly access files stored in the public disk.

65. What is the difference between auth and auth()->user() in Laravel?


  • auth: Returns an instance of the authentication guard.
  • auth()->user(): Retrieves the currently authenticated user.

66. How do you handle 404 errors in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel provides a default 404 error page, but you can customize it by modifying the resources/views/errors/404.blade.php view file.

67. What is Laravel’s artisan migrate:rollback command used for?

Answer: The migrate:rollback command is used to revert the last batch of migrations that were run, allowing you to undo changes to the database schema.

68. What is Laravel’s artisan cache:clear command used for?

Answer: The cache:clear command is used to clear all cached data in the application, including configuration, route, and view caches.

69. How do you define a custom route pattern in Laravel?

Answer: You can define custom route patterns in Laravel by using the where method. Example:

Route::get('/user/{id}', [UserController::class, 'show'])->where('id', '[0-9]+');

70. What is the purpose of the artisan config:clear command?

Answer: The config:clear command clears the cached configuration files. It is useful when you make changes to the config files and want them to take effect without restarting the application.

71. What is the artisan make:policy command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:policy command is used to generate a new policy class in Laravel. Policies define authorization logic for specific actions on models. Example:

php artisan make:policy PostPolicy

72. What are the benefits of using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM over raw SQL queries?


  • Eloquent provides a simple, expressive syntax for working with databases.
  • It supports relationships, eager loading, and query scopes.
  • It automatically handles escaping and SQL injection protection.
  • It is more maintainable and testable compared to raw SQL.

73. What is artisan make:middleware used for?

Answer: The artisan make:middleware command generates a new middleware class, which can be used to filter HTTP requests entering the application. Middleware can be used for authentication, logging, or any other logic before or after handling requests.

74. What is artisan migrate:refresh?

Answer: The migrate:refresh command is used to reset the database by rolling back all migrations and then re-running them. It’s useful for refreshing the schema during development.

75. How can you use the DB facade to run raw SQL queries in Laravel?

Answer: The DB facade allows you to execute raw SQL queries directly in Laravel. Example:

DB::select('SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = ?', [1]);

76. What is the purpose of the composer.json file in a Laravel project?

Answer: The composer.json file manages the project’s dependencies and autoload settings. It specifies libraries and packages that the project depends on and provides metadata for the Composer package manager.

77. How does Laravel handle pagination?

Answer: Laravel provides built-in pagination methods for Eloquent and query builder results. The paginate() method automatically handles the splitting of results into pages. Example:

$users = User::paginate(15);

78. What is the difference between session and cache in Laravel?


  • Session: Stores data for a user across multiple requests, typically for user authentication or preferences.
  • Cache: Stores data temporarily for faster access, usually for frequently accessed data or computationally expensive operations.

79. What is the artisan optimize command used for?

Answer: The artisan optimize command is used to optimize the performance of the Laravel application by caching routes, configuration, and compiled views.

80. What is the artisan queue:work command used for?

Answer: The queue:work command is used to process jobs from the queue. When running this command, Laravel will pull jobs from the queue and execute them.

81. What is the purpose of the __construct() method in Laravel controllers?

Answer: The __construct() method in controllers is used for dependency injection, allowing the automatic injection of required dependencies into the controller.

82. What are the common file types for storing configuration files in Laravel?

Answer: Configuration files in Laravel are typically stored as PHP files in the config directory. Each file contains an array returning the configuration settings for a specific aspect of the application.

83. What is the artisan make:request command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:request command generates a custom request class used for validating incoming requests. Example:

php artisan make:request StorePostRequest

84. How can you change the default database connection in Laravel?

Answer: You can change the default database connection in Laravel by modifying the DB_CONNECTION value in the .env file. Example:


85. What is the artisan make:mail command used for?

Answer: The artisan make:mail command generates a new mailable class, which can be used to send emails. Example:

php artisan make:mail OrderShipped

86. What are facades in Laravel?

Answer: Facades in Laravel provide a simple interface to access various underlying classes or services from the service container. They act as static proxies to classes in the container, allowing easy access without needing to instantiate them.

87. What is Laravel’s artisan make:job used for?

Answer: The artisan make:job command generates a new job class that can be dispatched to the queue for processing. Example:

php artisan make:job SendEmail

88. What is the artisan route:cache command?

Answer: The artisan route:cache command is used to cache the routes of the application for faster route resolution. It is recommended to run this command in production.

89. How do you define a one-to-many relationship in Laravel?

Answer: In Laravel, a one-to-many relationship is defined by adding a hasMany() method to the parent model and a belongsTo() method to the child model. Example:

// User model (Parent)
public function posts()
    return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

// Post model (Child)
public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

90. How do you handle database transactions in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel provides the DB::beginTransaction(), DB::commit(), and DB::rollBack() methods to handle database transactions. Transactions allow you to execute multiple queries as a single unit of work. Example:


try {
    // Perform database operations
} catch (\Exception $e) {

91. What is the purpose of the php artisan migrate:status command?

Answer: The migrate:status command is used to display the status of each migration, showing which migrations have been run and which are pending.

92. What is the artisan make:controller --resource flag used for?

Answer: The --resource flag generates a controller with all the necessary methods to handle the standard CRUD operations (index, create, store, show, edit, update, destroy).

93. What are the different types of cache drivers supported in Laravel?

Answer: Laravel supports several cache drivers, including:

  • file (default)
  • database
  • redis
  • memcached
  • array
  • dynamodb
  • null

94. How do you define a many-to-many relationship in Laravel?

Answer: In a many-to-many relationship, you define the relationship using the belongsToMany() method on both models. Laravel automatically assumes the pivot table name. Example:

// User model
public function roles()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class);

// Role model
public function users()
    return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

95. What are Laravel job queues used for?

Answer: Job queues in Laravel are used to delay the processing of time-consuming tasks (e.g., sending emails, processing uploads) to improve the performance of the application. Jobs are pushed to the queue and processed by workers in the background.

96. What is the artisan migrate:install command used for?

Answer: The migrate:install command is used to create the migrations table in the database, which Laravel uses to track which migrations have been run.

97. What is the artisan db:seed command used for?

Answer: The db:seed command is used to populate the database with sample data defined in seeder classes.

98. How do you define a polymorphic relationship in Laravel?

Answer: A polymorphic relationship allows a model to belong to more than one other model on a single association. Example:

// Comment model
public function commentable()
    return $this->morphTo();

// Post model
public function comments()
    return $this->morphMany(Comment::class, 'commentable');

// Video model
public function comments()
    return $this->morphMany(Comment::class, 'commentable');

99. How do you send emails using Laravel?

Answer: Laravel provides a simple interface for sending emails using the Mail facade. Example:

Mail::to($user->email)->send(new OrderShipped($order));

100. What is the purpose of the artisan view:clear command?

Answer: The artisan view:clear command clears all compiled Blade views from the cache, which can be useful when you have made changes to views and need to refresh the compiled cache.

So we cover all most important laravel interview questions and answers.

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